Attend a Clinic for assistance tailored to the needs of your Business

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Business is not always easy and when things get difficult the right assistance can make a huge difference. Situations can be turned around with help and guidance from the right people.  The Hutt City Council and Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce are offering the Naenae business community 1:1 specialist business coaching sessions.  You are invited to meet with Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce CEO, Helen Down by booking a private business coaching session, available between July and December.  The initial consultation will take place in Hillary Court and ben followed by a visit to your business premises. There, Helen will work with you to gain an understanding of your particular business to:


  • Assess and identify the unique challenges your business is facing
  • Identify new opportunities and markets
  • Assess and help you with promotion
  • Formulate a tailored business development plan to guide your business to a successful end goal


We understand you may be dealing with promotion or marketing issues, staff or employment matters, lease issues, or a host of other challenges. Every business is unique. As a business owner herself, Helen understands the challenges of small business. Along with her role as Hutt Valley Chamber CEO, she operates her own businesses and has assisted many New Zealand companies to grow, overcome challenges and expand into new markets.

To book a private and confidential session with Helen and devise a plan for your business, we have the following dates and times available:

  • 22 July, 9.20am-11.00am; or

  • 19 August, 9.20am-11.00am; or

  • 16 September, 9.20am-11.00am; or

  • 21 October, 9.20am-11.00am; or

  • 18 November, 9.20am-11.00am; or

  • 16 December, 9.20am-11.00am; or



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Event Information

Register your interest by emailing and expressing a preferred date and time as listed in the information above.   Only 2 time slots for each date are available on a first in first service basis.  

Venue/room information will be available on registration once confirmed.