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Jo Miller CE, Hutt City Council
Jo Miller is the new Chief Executive of Hutt City Council. She is very much looking forward to building on the great work that has been done to date, and working with the Mayor, Councillors, staff, iwi, partners and the community to ensure Lower Hutt is the very best it can be for all its people.
Jo Miller held one of the most high-profile local government jobs in the UK, with an outstanding track record for motivating people, creating solutions and brokering agreements in major housing, economic regeneration and capital investment schemes.
As Chief Executive at Doncaster Council, Jo was recognised as having brought exceptional growth and optimism to a previously economically depressed town. The Local Government Chronicle said Doncaster had been “dragged up from the depths of despair to something to be proud of.”
Landmark projects with a total investment of £2 billion boosted economic performance, putting Doncaster in the UK’s top ten for growth. Jo was the elected President of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives in 2017 & 2018 and now leads on the leadership portfolio on behalf of the profession. In 2017 the Local Government Chronicle named her the third most influential person in local government.
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Event Information
When: Friday 15th November, 2019, 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Where: Lower Hutt Events Centre, Laings Road, Lower Hutt
Fee: Members $45 +GST Non-Members $65 +GST
More Info: Click here for more information
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