At Ci Lab, we know that there is freedom to challenge the rules and behaviours we’ve inherited - to evolve and perform better. Continuous improvement contributes to that evolution. This session, specifically built for leaders, focuses on the tools, techniques and behaviours that support good leadership in establishing a continuous improvement culture.
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In this session, we cover:
- The core four steps of all continuous improvement methodologies, including Systems thinking, Lean and Six Sigma
- Essential principles which underpin the core four steps
-The leader's rol in continuous improvement
-Leadership behavious that support the adoption of continuous improvement by the team
-Team dynamics needed to embed the right leadership and team behavious
-The customer echo and reacting to customers insights properly
-Measures that drive the right behaviours in our teams and how targets can destroy improvement
-The leader's role in supporting a team capture and define problems properly for resolution
-Capturing and articulating organisational benefits (benefit realisation)
Event Information
When: Tuesday, 4th February 2020 - 8 am - 12 pm
Where: Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, Layer3 Training Room, Level 3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt
Cost: $320 + Gst