Emotional intelligence is a skill. And like any other skill, you can get better at it with training and practice. It allows you to read the style of individuals and adjust your communications accordingly.

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Emotional intelligence is a skill. And like any other skill, you can get better at it with training and practice. It allows you to read the style of individuals and adjust your communications accordingly.

This one day training course is useful for anyone who leads or works with other people, no matter what size the organisation. This course will focus on the five core competencies of emotional intelligence: self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy and also include interpersonal skills.

Participants will learn to develop and implement these competencies to enhance their relationships in work and life by increasing their understanding of social and emotional behaviours, and learning how to adapt and manage their responses to particular situations.


During this course you will:

 Define Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
 Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence.
 Learn the four core skills required to practice emotional intelligence.
 Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy.
 Read associated verbal and nonverbal communication.
 Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner.
 Verbally communicate with others.
 Interpret and manage your emotions.
 Master tools to regulate and gain control of one’s own emotions
 Articulate your emotions using the right language.
 Balance optimism and pessimism.
 Effectively impact others.
 Relate emotional intelligence to the workplace.
 Use the concepts and techniques in the workplace.


Course Content:

Lesson 1: What is Emotional Intelligence
Self management
Self awareness
Self regulation
Self motivation

Lesson 2: Four Skills in Emotional Intelligence
How to accurately perceive emotions
Use emotions to facilitate thinking
Understand emotional meanings
Manage emotions

Lesson 3: Verbal Communication Skills
Focused listening
Asking questions
Communicating with flexibility and authenticity

Lesson 4: Non-Verbal Communication Skills
Body language
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it

Lesson 5: Social Management and Responsibility
Benefits of emotional intelligence
Articulate your emotions using language

Lesson 6: Tools to Regulate Your Emotions
Seeing the other side
Self management and self awareness
Giving in without giving up

Lesson 7: Gaining Control
Using coping thoughts
Using relaxation techniques
Bringing it all together

Lesson 8: Business Practices (Part 1)
Understand emotions and how to manage them in the workplace
Role of emotional intelligence at work
Disagreeing constructively

Lesson 9: Business Practices (Part 2)
The balance between optimism and pessimism

Lesson 10: Making an Impact
Creating a powerful first impression
Assessing a situation
Being zealous without being offensive

Additional information

When: Friday 3rd April 2020
Where: Online
Time: 9am-4pm
Fee: $395+GST

Click here to learn about how Auldhouse can deliver this workshop to you in the comfort of your own home or workplace.

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