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Are you involved in the local property sector?
Property owner?
Property developer?
Expanding your premises?
Property investor?
Significant changes are being proposed to Lower Hutt’s property development fees. If you have local property interests, then you need to know about them and have your say.
The Hutt City Council is consulting on its proposed 2021 Development and Financial Contributions Policy. This Policy is a key part of the Council’s funding toolkit and helps to provide funding for growth-related infrastructure.
The proposed 2021 policy has changed significantly from the 2018 policy. It has been redeveloped from the ground up and the proposed changes to fees are in some cases, much higher than is currently the case.
We have brought together the key local experts to share these proposed changes with you and get your feedback.
Event Information
DATE: 28 April 2021
TIME: 5:30-7:30pm
VENUE: Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce
COST: Non-Members $25 + GST
Presented By