Breakfast with Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany and Leader of the Opposition

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Breakfast with Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany and Leader of the opposition. Sponsored by Platinum Partner Gibson Sheat Lawyers.

Christopher Luxon entered parliament in October 2020 as Member of Parliament for Botany and assumed office as Leader of the opposition in November 2021

Christopher is a businessman with an extensive career at the highest levels of global corporate leadership including an 18 year career with Unilever before being appointed CEO of Air New Zealand in 2011.

Join us to hear from Christopher about the issues that business currently face and the how National intend to support businesses in a future government.


Additional information

WHEN: Thursday 5th May 07.30- 09.30am

WHERE: The Grasslands, Silverstream Retreat, Silverstream

COST: Non Members $55.00 + GST

 Members $45 + GST - Members hosted table (8Pax) $360+ GST


All attendees must have a Covid19 Vaccination Certificate.

Spaces are limited to allow for social distancing requirements

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