Industry Visit – CentrePort – The heart of our region’s freight and transport logistics system
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CentrePort is at the heart of our regions import and export community. They are a gateway for the passage of cargoes, and their role in transport logistics extends well beyond the physical boundaries of the port. Their close relationship with service providers throughout the shipping and logistics industries enables them to bring together key parties, in order to develop innovative supply chain solutions on their customers’ behalf.
This is your chance to get behind the scenes and into the operational areas at CentrePort, meet key people running the port, and see the work they have and are undertaking to regenerate after the 2016 Kaikoura earthquakes.
Additional information
Other information
- Spaces are limited to 50 people
- Proof of Identity - all of those attending will also need to provide a Government-issued photo ID (e.g. drivers licence) – this is required to gain access to the port’s operational area.
Event Information
When - Friday 30th of September
Start Time – 1015am for a 1030 departure from Lower Hutt.
Finish Time – 1300 – bus will drop participants back to the Hutt Valley
Where – bus will pick up and drop off from the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt.