This function is your opportunity to meet the rest of the Chamber team, Board members, partners and mix and mingle with other new members.

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As a new a member of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, we would like to take this opportunity of personally inviting you to the New Member Function. You will receive your certificate, a new member’s pack and you will have an opportunity of saying a few words about yourself and your business.

We all need time to make connections, secure long-term business relationships and influence business vitality in the Wellington Region.

We look forward to seeing you and your team on 26th March 2019.

See you then.

Event Information

When:  Tuesday, 26 March 2019-5:30pm - 7:30pm
Where:  Level 3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt 
Fee:  $0 free for members
RSVP:  Please register above