The Small Business Forum is a place to connect, learn tips for your small business, introduce what you do to others, and find out what other businesses are doing in the Wellington region. This is suitable for small businesses, especially those who work on their own.

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Speakers will present their businesses and also relate their products and services to small businesses.  We will start with an introduction to see who is in the room. Please come prepared with a statement about what you do.  This is a membership driven concept supported by the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Event Information

You are invited to attend the Small Business Forum, an alternative forum for small businesses to promote themselves. The Small Business Forum grew out of a desire to see an alternative voice for small businesses within the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce.


All Over IT

Annie Jackson

Anna McKinlay Coaching

Anna McKinlay Coaching

Creativa Design   

Maribel Aburto & Vera Padilha

TOP TIPS -  Most important places to start from with marketing

Vision Digital  

David Cross        

TOP TIPS - Authentic engagement with your audience once they are on your CRM

Barlovska Craft Liqueurs

Zuzanna Chmielewska-Barlow


Additional information

When:  Thursday, 11th October, 2018, 5.30pm-7.15pm
Where:  Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, Level 3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt
Fee:  Members $25 +GST Non-Members $45 +GST

Who Should Attend

This is suitable for small businesses, especially those who work on their own.