MEANINGFUL MEETINGS | Get Your Meetings Off The Ground And Make Your Meetings Fly

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Meaningful Meetings Event Flyer

Bought to you by Upper Hutt City Council and Hutt Valley Chamber Of Commerce.

Join us for an introductory workshop on how to get the most out of your meetings.


Our work-life is a collection of meetings and then some lucky fragments for work in between. 

According to Johann Hari, we are in the ever faster spinning vicious cycle of losing our focus and productivity.

Research shows:

37% percent of employees believe that their organisation’s most significant cost is unnecessary meetings.

92% of employees find themselves multitasking during meetings.

69% of employees check their email frequently during a meeting

49% of employees admitted that they do other unrelated work during meetings rather than paying attention to the meeting agenda.

Research by Fuze and PM News

Meetings eat not only our time but our creativity, productivity and wellbeing


You will learn a process and to use a handy tool to get over the tipping point and have efficient, effective, and exemplary meetings.

You can learn to boost your team meetings, get them back on track and encourage others to do the same. You will learn to be more engaged and engaging and empower everybody to get more out of the meetings.

The Make Meetings Meaningful workshop is a lively and hands-on training session


After the workshop, you have your own unique roadmap to improve your meetings and help others to do the same. You will also have a handy pre-meeting checklist and template to get meetings shorter and more focused.

Together we will get  your team ready to have more time, fun and positive outcomes from every meeting.

Presented By

Jussi Luukkonen, MBA Author, Speaker, Trainer Facilitator, Coach

P +64 21 999 652 | E: |

Additional information

Facilitated By Jussi Luukkonen 

Jussi Luukkonen is a rare bird. He has excelled  in creative industries, the education sector and businesses as a leader, trailblazer and strategist. 

Originally Jussi trained as a theatre director in the Finnish Broadcasting Company's Radio Theatre in the early 80s. Those early years as a professional theatre director have given him an ingenious edge that very few possess.

During the thirty plus years, Jussi has helped individual leaders and companies to grow and glow brightly. His workshops and coaching sessions unfold the drama and comedy of business and life to bring creative solutions and concepts for positive difference. 

If you want to have an enjoyable, deep and transformative experience, Jussi delivers. His motto is: "I help to bring the best out in people”. His workshops deliver.

Event Information

WHEN: Tuesday 20th June 5.30pm - 7.00pm 

WHERE: Upper Hutt Library, Ngā Puna Mātauranga o Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta

844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt 5018

COST Sponsored by Upper Hutt City Council