Membership Directory
Our membership database below is a selection of the wonderfully diverse group of talented local businesses from across the region. This is a great way to support each other by buying local from our fellow Chamber members.
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We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.
Masterclean2000 has been providing commercial cleaning and specialist residential cleaning in the greater Wellington area for over 20 years. We have the trained staff and the expertise to carry out a broad scope of work for a variety of different commercial workplaces and industries.
For commercial customers we structure tailored cleaning schedules for office space, schools, medical centres, warehouses, common areas, and lobbies.
Our residential cleaning service primarily offers move in/move out cleans on behalf of property managers, real estate agents, building managers and tenants, taking the stress out of moving from one location to another.
Our attention to customer relationships and communication is what truly sets us apart. As part of the local business community, we care about our neighbours and strive to deliver excellent cleaning results every time.
Masterclean2000 has an impressive portfolio of long-term customers, for example, we take great pleasure in expressing our appreciation to The Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce as one of our longest standing clients. For over 20 consecutive years we have been providing cleaning services to their Hutt City office. In addition to long-standing customers, we are also proud of our high staff retention record with some team members clocking up over 10 years’ service with us.
Masterclean2000 services include:
• Commercial cleaning
• Residential cleaning
• Internal and external glass cleaning
• Pre and post function cleaning
• Carpet cleaning
• Upholstery cleaning
• Water blasting
• Rubbish & furniture removal
• Ground maintenance
• Providing cleaning consumables
If you require a special cleaning service or would like to discuss any of the services listed, please get in touch to have a chat with us. Our friendly team will offer you the advice, support and solutions you need for a superior clean.
For commercial customers we structure tailored cleaning schedules for office space, schools, medical centres, warehouses, common areas, and lobbies.
Our residential cleaning service primarily offers move in/move out cleans on behalf of property managers, real estate agents, building managers and tenants, taking the stress out of moving from one location to another.
Our attention to customer relationships and communication is what truly sets us apart. As part of the local business community, we care about our neighbours and strive to deliver excellent cleaning results every time.
Masterclean2000 has an impressive portfolio of long-term customers, for example, we take great pleasure in expressing our appreciation to The Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce as one of our longest standing clients. For over 20 consecutive years we have been providing cleaning services to their Hutt City office. In addition to long-standing customers, we are also proud of our high staff retention record with some team members clocking up over 10 years’ service with us.
Masterclean2000 services include:
• Commercial cleaning
• Residential cleaning
• Internal and external glass cleaning
• Pre and post function cleaning
• Carpet cleaning
• Upholstery cleaning
• Water blasting
• Rubbish & furniture removal
• Ground maintenance
• Providing cleaning consumables
If you require a special cleaning service or would like to discuss any of the services listed, please get in touch to have a chat with us. Our friendly team will offer you the advice, support and solutions you need for a superior clean.