Membership Directory
Our membership database below is a selection of the wonderfully diverse group of talented local businesses from across the region. This is a great way to support each other by buying local from our fellow Chamber members.
If you are a Chamber member and you want your membership directory entry added or updated, send your updated information to to get it listed here.
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We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.
We make IT easy for you to do business
Ohnyx IT Solutions is the brainchild of brothers Jono and Richard Oh, who collectively share over 25 years of experience in the IT and creative sectors.
Working in conjunction with many high profile and well-known brands, Ohnyx has successfully delivered innovative IT solutions and support services across the Greater Wellington region and throughout the North Island.
At Ohnyx, we work closely with you to achieve the best possible solution for your business needs. We put in the time to learn and understand your unique requirements and challenges and are available both on-site and remotely to provide you with expert support. Trust and integrity run through the heart of all that we do, and we treat our clients as people.
We endeavour to ‘keep it simple’ for our clients and stakeholders and maintain an unwavering commitment to honesty in our work, as well as a belief in building collaborative relationships with our clients based on transparency and mutual respect.
We have forged a reputation as an IT services provider that can be relied on to deliver robust, effective IT solutions whilst maintaining clear, open communication and dependable support.
At Ohnyx, we aim to take all the unexpected hassle away from you, so you are free to do what you do best.
First-class business IT doesn't have to be hard work
Ohnyx IT Solutions is the brainchild of brothers Jono and Richard Oh, who collectively share over 25 years of experience in the IT and creative sectors.
Working in conjunction with many high profile and well-known brands, Ohnyx has successfully delivered innovative IT solutions and support services across the Greater Wellington region and throughout the North Island.
At Ohnyx, we work closely with you to achieve the best possible solution for your business needs. We put in the time to learn and understand your unique requirements and challenges and are available both on-site and remotely to provide you with expert support. Trust and integrity run through the heart of all that we do, and we treat our clients as people.
We endeavour to ‘keep it simple’ for our clients and stakeholders and maintain an unwavering commitment to honesty in our work, as well as a belief in building collaborative relationships with our clients based on transparency and mutual respect.
We have forged a reputation as an IT services provider that can be relied on to deliver robust, effective IT solutions whilst maintaining clear, open communication and dependable support.
At Ohnyx, we aim to take all the unexpected hassle away from you, so you are free to do what you do best.
First-class business IT doesn't have to be hard work