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We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.

Wellington Electric Boat Building Company
Wellington Electric Boat Building Company was established to build and supply composite-constructed all-electric ferries designed to suit each specific route, offering operators and route-owners reduced running and maintenance costs, improved passenger experience and a higher residual value, while meeting environmental targets. The first project is for East by West Ferries, who have operated routes in Wellington for over 30 years. The 19m 20 knot energy-efficient catamaran will carry up to 135 passengers on the East By West Queen’s Wharf to Days Bay route across Wellington Harbour, and is capable of an ultra-fast charging time of 15 mins and a return distance between charges of 25km. This ground breaking vessel, which will launch later this year, was made possible through WEBBCo’s partnership with innovative and solution-driven Kiwi design and technology experts.

Fraser Foote, Managing Director of WEBBCo, has built over forty vessels of varying types and sizes as a composite builder, project manager and owner for 20 years of Northland Contract Boat Builders Ltd. He has extensive experience in all aspects of composite construction, boat repairs, refits and insurance work. He has also worked under contract to the BMW Oracle America’s Cup Team.

Photos credited to Simon Hoyle at Southlight Studios.
Phone Number
+64 27 493 3969
Seaview, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Wellington Electric Boat Building Company
  • Wellington Electric Boat Building Company
  • Wellington Electric Boat Building Company
  • Wellington Electric Boat Building Company

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