Business Support

The Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce is a progressive and innovative society. We actively advocate for the Hutt Valley business community in the media and have links to local and regional government.

We would like to invite you to join us and be more involved with what is happening locally. Here at the Hutt Valley Chamber we are committed to supporting businesses through the recovery of Covid-19. Join us to support our work and be part of the voice for local business.


With assistance from our Partners and Chamber Members, we host regular livestreams which cover relevant topics important to our business community. Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming livestreams.

Business Confidence Surveys

Our Business Confidence Surveys take a snapshot of business activity, resilience and strength every four months. Our most recent surveys have highlighted how Covid has impacted on our local business community.

Education Programmes

We support a number of local programmes including the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) and Naenae Business Support Group. We also play a central role in the Government’s new Education to Employment initiative.


We are passionate about advocating on behalf of the local business community. We are active in the media and we work hard to influence key policy and decision-makers to encourage an environment conducive to business growth.

Certificates of Origin

We are registered to provide Certificates of Origin for goods exported from New Zealand. We can help you with electronic or hard copies. There are different charges and special rates for Members. Please get in touch with us.

Covid Recovery

The Hutt Valley Chamber is part of the Hutt Valley Covid-19 Business Support Group, established in early March 2020 when the threat of Covid became very real. We work alongside Hutt City Council and Upper Hutt City Council to ensure our local businesses are supported and heard.

Business Training and Workshops

Our venue is utilised by many local organisations who run business training events and workshops throughout the year. Topics are wide and varied, from learning software, or digital marketing, to managing teams and covering aspects of running your business.

Room Hire

We have three main rooms available, ranging in size from accommodating just a few people, to space for over a hundred. We offer very reasonable rates for hire, with special deals for our Chamber members. Tea and coffee facilities are available and we can organise catering.


Keep an eye on our events page for our numerous events including the Political Series, Technology and Innovation Series, Women’s CEO lunches, Business Safaris, our flagship events and a whole lot more, taking place throughout the year.

Flagship Events

The Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce organises and hosts the Wellington Region Business Hall of Fame, the Wellington Business Expo and the Wellington Region Business Excellence Awards. Our next major event is the Wellington Business Expo, taking place in October. More information to come.