Change of Sales Market for DieselGas
Lifetime of Innovation Ready to Handover
The DieselGas test facility was created to develop a multitude of heavy duty diesel engines to alternative fuels, including natural gas/diesel dual-fuel operation, for clients like Robert Bosch and Caterpillar who badged and warranted the product.
Test equipment includes: 1,000hp (750kW), 2,700Nm, 9,000rpm capable water brake dynamometer plus engine, inlet air and dynamometer cooling.
Other instrumentation includes measuring air flow, diesel flow, natural gas flow, emissions and 150 data points into a comprehensive data acquisition system.
Ideal for running in/testing rebuilt engines or development work. Detroit Series 60 engine 500hp 12.7 litre engine during dual-fuel calibration.
Covid-19 rethink
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic DieselGas planned a partnership with international IP marketing company Everedge Global to market its dual-fuel intellectual property (IP) to international engine and equipment manufactures. With New Zealand boarders likely to be closed to normal travel until after a Covid-19 vaccine is widely available this plan is now only a dream. Therefore the plan has been changed to targeting the sale of the IP and the engine test facility equipment in Australia and New Zealand.
Extraordinary dual-fuel technology IP
The DieselGas dual-fuel technology allows production diesel engines to operate on up to 80% natural gas while reducing emissions and fuel costs. Created over 40 years for diesel engine manufacturers and other international clients. By using renewable natural gas (RNG) (bio-gas) maximum emissions reductions can be achieved. RNG can reduce emissions to near negative emissions impact. This is now being offered for sale.
Interested? Call: Harvey Reid 027 226 4414, email For more information visit
Hino J08C-TT 191kW (260hp) hauling 50 tonne, operating empty one way. Economic performance:
- 78.5% diesel replacement
- 51.3% fuel cost savings
- Fuel efficiency equal to diesel
Operating in Thailand with natural gas containing between 5 & 30% CO2 with no change in engine power or torque.
Left to right: aftercooler, test bed with Detroit Series 60 engine, dynamometer
Left to right: dynamometer heat exchanger, engine & aftercooler radiator fans, cooling tower.