Innovative Young Minds Needs Your Support
“IYM made me consider futures that had never even crossed my mind before by giving me opportunities that I would never get at school. And being alongside other girls with similar interests allowed us to help and encourage each other to explore our interests and turn them into possible careers.”
– Lucy McCrone, IYM Participant
Lucy was lucky enough to attend an IYM residential programme but in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, our Innovative Young Minds programme cannot be held in its usual format. Instead, we will be moving online in July 2020.
Like many others, we are in new uncharted territory and need to think and work differently. We have chosen to use technology to adapt our programme and create something new and innovative for our young women. It is both exciting and challenging. With our goal to inspire young women to think innovatively, it is only right that we do the same!
The online IYM programme will be free and open to all applicants. One of the advantages of going online is that our reach can expand even further. We want to provide a platform where students can build a community with like-minded young women and continue to be encouraged on a STEMM career.
As you can imagine, our funding opportunities have been reduced as businesses and organisations are working hard to stay afloat. Now, more than ever, we need your help to help us deliver an inspiring, educational and positive opportunity to our applicants.
Could you sponsor a virtual workshop? Cost $1000 + GST
Your sponsorship will enable us to deliver a cutting-edge programme with innovative and inspiring content.
We will make some of the online learning sessions available on our website so you can see how your sponsorship has been utilised. Our hope is that our July 2021 programme will be business as usual but for now, we must adapt.
Please join us in creating an innovative and engaging online programme for our young women. Now more than ever we need your help, so together we can create a programme that will inspire and empower our young women at this unprecedented time. For more information on how to sponsor a workshop please contact Sue on