Wellington Region Business Expo 2019 - Seminar
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Kat Norman, Senior Stakeholder and Engagement Advisor
New Zealand’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT NZ) is a government enabled organisation and receives cyber security reports from all over New Zealand from a range of businesses and individuals. Come along and hear about what CERT NZ have seen in the threat landscape of New Zealand so far. Learn about some of the cyber security risks CERT NZ are seeing that exist for businesses and come away from this presentation with some practical advice and guidance on how you can protect your business, your people and your business information.
Presented By
Event Information
Date: Tuesday 7th May, 2019, 12.30am-1.00pm
Where: Room 1, Lower Hutt Events Centre, Laings Road, Lower Hutt
Fee: Free to attend - register using register (under action word) at top right side of this page
More Info: Click here - Presentations are held across 4 seminar rooms, throughout the day starting from 10:30 am and will run for approximately 30 minutes.