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Presented by:
Bruce Duncan, PeopleNZ
PeopleNZ delivers a business growth programme called the Elevater. The Elevater is for small & medium service businesses that have an appetite and a desire to grow.
We strongly believe that clarity and maturity in your business will deliver long term sustainable business growth, creating the platform to build a multi million-dollar business.
The programme is designed in a series of workshops and the first step is called ‘Measure your Maturity’. In this workshop, we use the BizCheck to give you complete clarity on your business maturity, define where your strengths are and highlight the areas which require improvement.
Join us at our upcoming seminar to review the top 20 critical business components and get a taste of how we help create clarity and maturity in your business.
To read more about seminar outcomes click here
Presented By
Event Information
When: Thursday 23rd May, 9.30am-11.00am
Where: Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, Layer3 Training Room, Level 3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt
Fee: Member $45 +GST Non-Members $65 +GST
RSVP: Register by clicking the register word above