90-Day Trials - What they mean and how to use them
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From 23 December 2023 businesses of all sizes have one again had the ability to employ new staff under a 90-day trial.
Being able to employ people on a 90-day trial does not necessarily mean that you should automatically employ all new staff on a trial. In fact, there are some cases where it is not appropriate or necessary to utilise a trial period.
However, if you are utilising or intending to utilise a trial period it is important that you do so correctly otherwise your trial period clause may not be worth the paper it is written on.
Whether you have re-introduced or are still contemplating introducing trial periods in your workplace, come along to this informative and practical lunch time session with Tony McKone from McKone Consultancy to learn when and how to apply a 90-day trial and to understand and avoid the pitfalls or incorrectly applying a trial period.
Event Information
WHEN | Wednesday, 20 March 2024
TIME | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
WHERE | Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, Level 3, 15 Daly Street, Lower Hutt
COST | Complimentary