Membership Directory

Our membership database below is a selection of the wonderfully diverse group of talented local businesses from across the region. This is a great way to support each other by buying local from our fellow Chamber members.

If you are a Chamber member and you want your membership directory entry added or updated, send your updated information to to get it listed here.

Search here or view all listings

We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.

Maze Marketing
The most important thing you need to know about us is….we LOVE marketing, it’s our thing.

The law of attraction says that if you put positive vibes out into the world, you will attract those with similar values.
And we wholeheartedly agree.

We are lucky to work with a wide variety of clients from across multiple industries, and they all have something in common. They are ready to take action to grow their business...and they put their faith in us to make it all happen.

Our clients range from small to medium-sized businesses, and somewhere in between. You would be amazed at the variety of topics we cover in a simple week and we LOVE IT.
Phone Number
021 908 820

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