Membership Directory

Our membership database below is a selection of the wonderfully diverse group of talented local businesses from across the region. This is a great way to support each other by buying local from our fellow Chamber members.

If you are a Chamber member and you want your membership directory entry added or updated, send your updated information to to get it listed here.

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We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.

Sanpro Industries Ltd
"Sanderson machines are designed and produced by Sanpro Industries in New Zealand; we are a small family run business with a solid reputation within the exhaust manufacturing industry. Our machines have a proven track record for reliability and efficiency, ultimately increasing our customers productivity and saving them time and money."
Phone Number
04 939 7267
56-58 Fitzherbert Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5012

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