Membership Directory

Our membership database below is a selection of the wonderfully diverse group of talented local businesses from across the region. This is a great way to support each other by buying local from our fellow Chamber members.

If you are a Chamber member and you want your membership directory entry added or updated, send your updated information to to get it listed here.

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We appreciate your membership of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce. With your support we can continue our work in the business community, being an active voice for business both regionally and within local government.

Sarah Wilson Recruitment (SWR)
With 18 years’ experience in recruitment, Sarah understands the ups and downs of the employment market. Sarah loves finding good people for great businesses.

SWR offers a full service nationwide, covering the full employment spectrum:

• Job analysis - let's talk about your business and the candidate you're looking for
• Market advice - frank feedback on the market and salary bands and expectations
• Advertising - no charge unless you're looking for an exceptional offshore campaign. SWR screens and replies to all candidates on your behalf
• Interviews - SWR interviews each candidate then provides you with an initial report including their salary expectations and more. Further interviews are arranged with feedback provided to both parties
• Thorough reference checking with full reporting
• Negotiations managed on your behalf
• Induction process to ensure your new team member is committed and ready

For more information on SWR, head to our website or give Sarah a call.
Phone Number
022 155 6921
  • Sarah Wilson Recruitment (SWR)

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