Hutt Valley Covid-19 Business Support Group Established
Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Hutt City and Upper Hutt councils joined forces to provide support for local businesses and to foster a businesses supporting businesses approach to the Covid-19 crisis.
Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce CEO Helen Down says, “The partnership is a great example of local government and the private sector rapidly and effectively working together – a result of early relationship building between the sectors.
“What’s also emerging – and I’ve been aware of this for some time – is the astounding ability of Hutt Valley businesses to adapt and to rapidly change direction in response to demand – in this case to Covid-19.”
In less than two months the Hutt Valley Covid-19 Facebook Group gained 659 members and over 2,000 posts, comments and reactions. By early may it had hosted 24 business-focused live streams (and counting), with local experts providing advice and guidance as the Covid-19 situation has developed.
Hutt City Council Chief Executive Jo Miller says: “When we take into account our strong and dynamic manufacturing and technology sectors, it’s easy to see Lower Hutt becoming a regional centre of economic recovery once the Covid-19 situation eases.”